Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Trogluddite is mildly frustrated tonight. I spent some time with Zoho Writer and was very pleased with it--easy to use and close enough to Word that my prehistoric brain could understand and use it. I was going to post my document to my blog as evidence of completing Step #18, found a button that said "Publish", and found a drop-down bar that said "Publish to Blog". How easy, right? WRONG! Whenever I did that, a dialog box came up and asked for my Blogger username and password. Every time, and I mean EVERY time, I typed it in, I was told that my username and password were incorrect. I tried uppercases and lowercases, thinking that it might or might not be case sensitive, but nothing worked. But I found out that I was not the only one--I spoke with a younger and more knowleable coworker and learned that the exact same thing had happened to her. Furthermore, I tried to insert a photo from my D drive into my Zoho document but couldn't. I asked another coworker (who is much more highly-evolved and tech savvy) how to work it but she didn't know. So I'm stuck. I like Zoho Writer but there are things about it that no one understands. Could anyone help out a poor bewildered trogluddite? And could anyone PLEASE tell me why Rollyo keeps migrating? And where Library Thing has gone?

Johnny Dollar - don't feel to frustrated. Avid from Zoho has posted comments on several L2 blogs that this is something they are work on ...
See: lIBRARY lIL and Avid's answer.

As for RollyO, it looks like you have the code posted in your template twice. Remove one, I think it will correct your problem.
Thanks, Helene. I've eliminated one of the Rollyos. But I still don't see Library Thing. I didn't see it in my template either. Could I have eliminated it by accident?
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