Monday, October 30, 2006

I'm trying to add a few things before my post for item #23. Here's a very funny video from You Tube. It's unintentionally funny, the best kind. This is from a Korean show called "Love Letters". It seems to be a Korean cross between American Idol and The Dating Game. These male Korean stars try to impress these female Korean stars, apparently to get dates. But these guys-----they're handsome enough, I guess, but most of them try to dance and none do it well. then they dress in these outfits that look like leftovers from the 90's, 80's, and 70's. Then when this comedian ("Korea's top slapstick comedian!") comes out...! Is it ever silly! Then this obnoxious and loud announcer...! Then the translations...! It's all great. Watch the first montage of the male stars--if you look quickly, you'll see one of them wearing an NC State shirt! It's a long video, about 10 minutes, but worth it. Enjoy!

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