Thursday, October 12, 2006

All right, the Trogluddite has taken a break, gone outside his cave and into the sunshine, gotten some iced tea, and cleared some of the cobwebs out of his prehistoric brain. He has also read all five articles on exercise # 15 about Library 2.0. Once again, this is a very big topic and I need some time to digest it fully and give some quality thought to it. However, I think Dr. Wendy Schultz's article is the most accurate. I believe that libraries will evlove from their current state of buildings with lots of information stored inside to centers of collaborative information sharing and back to buildings which aesthetically pleasing and draw people inside. I tend to agree that 2.0 will change the way libraries their services. The cyber world will break down barriers between libraries and other information institutions (such as, between libraries and users, and even between libraries in different locations. At the same time, people will always want to come to a library to get a book or look at magazine or do scholarly research. Does anyone remember the book Megatrends by John Naismith from the Stone Age days of the late 70's and early 80's ? Does anyone remeber his theory of High Tech/High Touch which said that, as the world get more high tech, people will also want to remain connected with each other out in the "real" (the physical) world. I think that's still true. People will always want to come in to a library. Yet I also believe that 2.0 will change the way we provide services.
Hey, not a bad blog for running on a tired brain. Didn't think I could do it. Let me toss a question out to everyone--how do you think 2.0 will affect children's services? I'm in a children's area am, of course, curious to know how 2.0 would impact us. What do you think? Will 2.0 change children's services? How?

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